Driveshaft Specialist offers remanufactured BMW driveshafts for most cars and some SUV's.
Please have the last 7 of the VIN available.
on the right is our friend Lisa V. from the Dallas Texas area. Lisa
runs our Standard BMW Driveshaft in her Race Car.
We use Premium Quality components in our driveshafts.
If our BMW Driveshafts holds up to the stress of Road Racing without any failure you can be confident that it will hold up well in your BMW.
For BMW Driveshafts there are 3 Basic Types.
We inventory 350+ specific part numbers of BMW driveshafts.
We may need the last 7 of the VIN to make sure we ship you the
correct driveshaft.
BMW Driveshafts are NOT interchangeable. Getting the exact fit driveshaft is critical.
Almost all BMW Driveshafts are Built New
These are new driveshafts built in our shops (not a new from BMW shaft) The U-Joints are a replaceable 1210 or 1310 standard American U-Joint that can be found in most all parts stores.
Please call toll free 1.866.455.6622 to order, confirm price or if you need technical assistance. We are happy to assist and we are very nice people to do business with.
Type 1 Driveshaft (click image) $545 New with Shipping!
Type 2 Driveshaft (click image) $575 New with shipping!
Type 3 Driveshaft (click image) $685 New with Shipping!
A very few BMW Type 3 new shafts are up to
$725 due to more expensive components.
Shipping included.
Note: All BMW driveshaft pricing includes prepaid shipping to 48 US
States. (Alaska and Hawaii extra).
Front Driveshafts:
$345 for most X3's - 325xi - 335xi etc. Shipping included
100% new driveshaft. These have replaceable 1210 series U-Joint.
Please have the last 7 of the VIN available.
Please call 1.866.455.6622 to order. Thank You.
NOTE: Flex Disc Guibo is not included.
We carry SGF brand Flex Disc, this is the OEM supplier to BMW. This is the ONLY brand that is OEM. Look at any OEM flex disc and you will find the letters SGF. ALL of the other brands are aftermarket and in our opinion - NOT nearly as good. Some of the aftermarket flex disc have shredded and then it damages the front of the driveshaft. We can not warranty damage caused by Non SGF flex disc.
We require that a BMW brand Flex Disc or SGF brand flex disc be installed for any warranty consideration.
WARNING!CHEAP DRIVESHAFTSPlease be aware of cheap driveshafts. We can easily reduce our price by $20 to $40 by using lower quality U- Joints and other driveshaft components. We use the very best possible components available. We have been in business for over 50 years. We have a good reputation and we will not sell you a potential problem just to make a few bucks more or offer a cheaper price. Our pricing is fair and reasonable for the high level of quality driveshaft we provide. Remember the "to good to be true" story?
Warranty: We offer a 1 year unlimited mileage guarantee, the same as a new BMW driveshaft from the dealer.
Flex Disc (Guibo) is not included in pricing. See Service notes on Flex Disc below.
Service Suggestion: Transmission Mounts
Service Note: We recommend changing the transmission mounts on BMW when servicing the driveshaft. (We do not sell them). The trans mounts are at the rear and bottom of trans. They tend to collapse or disintegrate over time and this leads to trans sitting lower than normal. This creates bad alignment of trans to driveshaft. If you have a flex disc that is torn up, you MUST change the mounts as that indicates a bad alignment. They are inexpensive at typically $10 or less per mount. (2 required). We suggest for the mounts. We use them and we always get BMW OE quality mounts.
There is a right way to install the flex disc. On the rim of the disc there are alternating triangular arrows that point to each edge of the flex disc. This arrow is where the disc should bolt up to the metal lobe of the driveshaft and the transmission flange. The photo below shows a disc that is NOT installed correctly. This can cause vibration and noise issues. BE SURE YOU CHECK THIS!
Click Image for full size photo
Please call for additional information, free technical advice and exact pricing. We are happy to assist.
Last 7 of the VIN is needed.
We appreciate your business!